The process of sending documents to a wired / wireless printer is simple and tricky. Sadly, technology is weird sometimes, while printing, if your printing machine throwing some error messages like the printer won’t print. It means the device has some trouble inside or outside (Software or hardware). Deceptively so as you can effectively examine if your office printers stop communicating with the computer system.
The main reason your printer won’t print is the incompatibility of the printers, connections, and installation errors. In this post, we’ll cover all topics one by one in a descriptive manner.
In most instances, we have seen that a printer operates without a fanfare & then above all suddenly due to some mismatch or miscommunication between a printer machine and laptop system, the printer won’t print.
If you are the one who experiences such kinds of errors then, here are some of the most common reasons why your printer won’t print or won’t print documents perfectly. Also, their key fixes.
Common Causes of Having Printer Won’t Print Bug
Whenever do you need to know why is my printer won’t print? Causes can be categorized as follows
It seems to be more frustrating for a printer user when a printing machine stops printing or won’t printing. Poor connectivity in printers whether a network or manual connection. Whenever the connectivity is improper, printing equipment always shows errors.
Don’t panic if you are unaware of how to connect a printer to the system, simply check this page and get adequate information.
Printer Installation Error
Sometimes, users are misguided and setup their printer machines improperly. The inadequate printer installation process can lead to miscommunication between a printer & a laptop. Misguidance of User manual improperly setup the printer machine and ruin the printing experience.
Scroll the printer setup webpage and get your printer installed properly.
Driver update errors
Typically, a printer driver plays an important role in connecting the printer during the printing process. It acts as a sailor of a ship who operates and guides the ship in the right direction. Using an outdated printer driver in the system can create an adverse impact on the processing, performance as well as speed.
It’s better to change the status of the driver to print effectively.
Troubleshooting Guide to Fix Printer Won’t Print Faults
Here are some of the best practical solutions to resolve the printer isn’t printing faults and make the device working properly.
Wired & Wireless network printing faults
Nowadays, the arrival of wireless printers makes our work easy. With the help of this equipment, people can easily share it over multiple devices like desktops, notebooks, smartphones, tablets, and more. However, due to malfunctioning, it introduces another level of problems. Perform these steps and get the issue resolved.
- Restart everything
Typically, your wired / wireless printers rely on the WiFi network installed on your home. Due to some technical faults, it occurs problems that slow down the printing speed. A network consists of a WIFI modem that easily connects several devices to the internet.
Restarting all these components or devices to get the network working again. Remove the overall data & settings can easily sort out all the things. Once all the process is done wait for some & try to print again.
- Check network printing connections
In the next move, check the printing connection to check the overall status of the printer. In-network printers, one major thing is IP address. You need to make sure that the IP address that you use for configuring the printing machine is unique or won’t be shared with some other device.
This can easily print documents and produce quality outcomes.
- Reboot network printer configurations
If you are unable to connect to your network printer, it is recommended that to reboot the entire process. Run the power cycle i.e. Turn off the printer machine and disconnect all the physical connections.
After that, reinstall all the elements back by following the instruction manual that comes with the device. Before the process, make a note of all user IDs and passwords that you use.
- Reinstall the specific printer drivers
At last, once your printer starts communicating over the network, try to install or configure specific network printer drivers effectively on the system such as Cloud print for Android.
Do you want to upgrade the software of your printer but don’t know how? Then, navigate to our driver installation page and gain relevant information.
Inspect the basic errors
Another method to troubleshoot printer errors is to inspect all the basics whether it operates properly or not. To get the job done, check the following factors:
Is the printer is switched on?
Is it printing properly?
Does it connect properly to the computing equipment?
If all the above-mentioned factors are up to date, then it’s fine, if not then try to resolve all these critical factors and enjoy seamless printing.
USB printing problems
If you are a Wired printer user, the best way to troubleshoot errors is to check the USB cable quality. Firstly, check the printer’s control panel for any settings change. Second, unplug all the resources except the USB cables and at last, try a different USB cable.
Low Ink faults
The major cause of having this issue is the dirtiness of the print head or low ink levels. The easiest way is to clean the print head and cartridge area of the printer. Also, refill the ink in the tank to get the best printing results.
Thank you! We hope that you’ll resolve your errors properly and get the best results. Printers are digital devices, but sometimes, the device won’t print due to some incompatibility errors. Get in touch with us until next time.
Enjoy Printing!