The research suggests that not many people are aware about technologies and a majority of office workers (around 53%) do not know a lot when it comes to resolving technological issues at the workspace.
Also, many, after having failed in their attempts to troubleshoot the erring device and try to destroy it in a fit of rage. Millions of devices have been broken or damaged by the people in the last year alone, who lost it with their device. A third of the people buy a replacement device rather than getting it repaired.
Without much ado, let us see the 10 most annoying tech problems that people face.
1. Slow internet speed
Few things are more annoying than noticing that our Wi-Fi suddenly goes from working wonderfully to going tremendously slow. It is a problem as annoying as it is frequent, so if you have ever had it, or if you are suffering from it while reading this article, do not worry, it is usually not serious, and we will explain how you can solve it.
The first thing you have to be clear about is that when a Wi-Fi connection goes from working well to going very slow, obviously something has happened. That something may be foreign to you, that is, it is not motivated by your action, but even in this case it is possible that you will have to intervene to solve the problem.
If your Internet connection speed is slower than great-grandfather trying to keep up with you in a heated Mario Kart ™ game, there are a few options you can try yourself before calling for backup.
The following article will answer your question, “Why is my internet slow?”
2. Slow computer
We have all suffered to a greater or lesser extent the consequences of a computer that with the use and the passage of time is becoming slower and slower, something that negatively affects the user experience and that can even reach the point that we cannot enjoy applications or games that we used to run without any problem.
Luckily, in many cases, we can improve the performance of a PC that works slowly, to the point of not only recovering its good initial functioning, but also even increasing it, and all without the need to carry out extensions or spend a large sum of money.
Here’s How to Fix a Slow Running Computer
3. Pop-up Ads
The advertisements are indispensable for sustaining most media that publish their content freely available today and free over the Internet, as they provide them with income that allow not only afford the technical aspects of the service itself ( servers or web domain), but to its journalists, designers, computer scientists and editors.
However, sometimes, certain websites can end up making indiscriminate use of the advertising they insert on their pages. In addition, it is even worse: it can end up being so intrusive that trying to read some of its contents becomes a task as tortuous as it is complicated. Something that happens very often with awkward pop-ups.
Although it is true that Google tends to penalize with its different algorithms those web pages that make excessive use not only of the advertising itself, but of certain more intrusive ad units (as happens precisely with pop-up windows),
In these cases, it is normal for many users to want to know how to block advertisements in their browser. Although it is true that more and more browsers make it easier and easier, it is necessary to follow some steps to be able to do so.
Read Remove unwanted ads, pop-ups & malware for android, and How to Stop Pop-Ups in Google Chrome for PC.
4. Wi-Fi keeps disconnecting
Connecting to the Internet through a Wi-Fi network is very common today. We have at our disposal many devices that are connected through this technology. There is also a significant increase in the Internet of Things. All these teams connect without using cables.
The problem is that it is not as stable as the cable. In addition, the speed is usually always lower. However, these differences have been reduced over time. Today we do not have as many problems as a few years ago, although they are still present.
Undoubtedly, one of the most common failures is that the Wi-Fi is continuously disconnected. We are browsing the Internet, either from the mobile or from the computer, and suddenly we see that there is no connection. We observe that the Wi-Fi has been disconnected and it reconnects automatically or we have to do it ourselves. There are different reasons for this to happen.
Here are the 5 reasons why your internet keeps disconnecting—and how you can fix it.
5. Printer is offline
Printer is a good old technology now and it should work flawlessly, right? But, annoying printer issues keep happening even in these times, and when they happen, people wonder, “Why is my printer offline?” In fact, a lot of people search Google with query, “how to get my printer online” each day.
Printer can go offline for so many reasons and stops the work and unlike Wi-Fi and computer a simple restart is not a very effective solution in most of the cases because it is a setting that has to be changed and it does not happen on its own.
If your printer is offline, you can check this page.
How to Fix a Printer That Says "Offline"
6. Software updates made things worse
When we update our phones and PCs we run the risk that this new update contains bugs. Although the makers tests each new version before launching it, like any other software, there may be undetected errors that spoil our user experience.
It is not the first time that an update released by the phone or computer companies negatively affects certain devices. Without going any further, there are certain versions that worsen the battery life for no apparent reason.
That is why, in those cases and waiting for the manufacturer to solve it, there is the possibility of reversing to an old update. In itself, what we can do is go back to a previous version of the software, making the operation of our smartphone, PC or laptop, go back to being as before.
Here's how to undo an Android app update and How to Reverse an iPhone to a Previous Update. If you have a windows PC, check out how to uninstall a Windows 10 update.
7. Can't login
It is one of the most frustrating experience when you are locked out of your own accounts or devices. It can happen with your mobile phone, PC, or thousands of the websites where you have created an account.
A search on Google with text, ‘cannot login’ would get you to support page of the thousands of famous websites confirming the fact that a lot of people face this issue.
8. Phone battery keeps dying
Smartphones are becoming more powerful every day and require more energy to function properly. The components have advanced rapidly, but the same is not the case with batteries, so manufacturers have tried to alleviate this issue by expanding the amount of battery as well as its management to make it as efficient as possible.
Among the drawbacks we usually have with our cell phones is that the battery runs out quickly. Many times, this is because we have applications that consume it without us noticing.
To improve the performance of our cell phone we must stop these applications and thus conserve our battery for longer.
A sign that our device is making a greater effort than normal is that it is heating up, before this; we must immediately take action and check what application is causing it.
We certainly do not expect an expensive phone to run out of battery in the middle of the day, which brings us to the last question: "why is my Android draining battery so fast?"
Here you will find five reasons why your phone battery keeps dying.
9. Apps keeps on crashing
What would smart phones be without apps? Well, surely little, since they are the soul of any mobile. And, despite the fact that Android already provides multiple tools (which manufacturers tend to swell), there is always room to download more software, much more. In addition, of course, with so much load of apps it can happen that some stop working correctly.
Has it ever happened to you: apps that close without warning, that refuse to open or work the way they should. Next, we are going to collect all the ways that exist to solve problems with Android applications.
See the reasons why it happens here.
10. Paper jam in printer
It has happened to all of us, that when we were in a hurry to print a document, the message of Paper Jam appeared.
Does that concept sound familiar to you? Well, keep reading because we will solve more than one doubt about it.
Most of the time it is a jam generated by a paper, but there does not always have to be a paper involved, read the below article to identify what your mistake has been so far.